Oh, how I long for an organised space, I look at some fab -u -lous studios on so many blogs and can only dream of being so sorted!
I bought this Arts and Crafts dresser a couple of years ago for £100, it is far too big for my room but I love it. The top holds my collection of china but hidden away in the cupboards and drawers are my creative bits and pieces, paints, beads, threads, all those little things. Can you spot those darling mice?
It is my main creative space and can get rather busy.
The chairs belonged to my Great grandmother, I remember them being in her bedroom they were made by her husband. The pencil drawings on the wall were done by my grandad in the 1950's.
Those ladies are so elegant.
It's so nice to be surrounded by my families creative efforts.
I love making patchwork quilts and have recently been machine quilting.
When I am using my glue gun I settle down on my sofa and really make a mess.
Every New Year I resolve to be more organised and less messy.
I honestly do keep trying, I manage to create in all this mess which is a miracle.
Those mice must really be my guardian angels!
When I finish my work I can walk by the beach and gets lots more inspiration or go on a blog hop and dream of a tidy workspace.
I'm actually having a good time in my tiny messy creative space. I'm full of ideas so if you don't hear from me for a while I'm buried in a muddle making beautiful things.